2,806 research outputs found

    A study of English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting in Conference on Women Rights Under Chernov’s Compression Theory

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    Simultaneous interpreting (SI) means the conveying of information of speakers by interpreters fluently and simultaneously with no long pauses. According to Gile’s theory (1995), interpreters have to possess three abilities, including listening and analysis, production and memory. Given the extreme situation of SI, interpreters must have a nice command of processing strategies to ensure a good delivery. And one of the most important strategies is compression proposed by Chernov (2004). To Chernov’s mind, compression is divided into syllabic compression, lexical compression, semantic compression, syntactic compression and situational compression. The paper mainly discusses the application of compression strategy in E-C discourse under different circumstances

    A Tentative Study on the Translation Techniques of A Collection of Classic Ghost Stories Under Halliday’s Context Theory

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    In real life, contexts precede texts. According to Halliday’s theory, contexts can be divided into three branches, each one corresponding to a higher degree of complexity. In papers discussing translation and context in literary texts, much attention is paid to macroanalysis, however, techniques relating to the translation of specific words and sentences are seldom discussed. The author of this paper applies the Context Theory in the translation of the book A Collection of Classic Ghost Stories and poses seven different techniques to its translation.

    A Study on the Translation Techniques of Long Sentences in the Science of Fairy Tales Under Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory

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    Informative texts make up a large part of all the texts worldwide. Newmark’s communicative translation theory has been proved to be of great value in guiding the translation of this kind among translations written in Indo-European languages. But whether this theory is still applicable in transferring long complex English sentences into Chinese remains to be further verified. This paper focuses on some selected sentences from a content-based informative text The Science of Fairy Tales which demonstrates the principle and method in creating fairy tales and is written by Edwin Sidney Hartland, a prestigious writer in folklore literature. In translation, the present translators find that in addition to some relevant terminology concerning fairy tales, the text contains numerous long complex sentences which is necessary to choose appropriate translation techniques within the theoretical framework in order to produce an ideal rendition. In light of this, to take the typical translation of long sentences in social science texts as examples, the writers of this paper exemplify the E-C translation of long sentences in social science texts under the guidance of Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory, hoping to explore the translation techniques of long sentences in this kind of texts. The present translators choose five translation techniques: sequence, reverse, division, embedding and recasting. After a meticulous and rigorous study, the present translators find that Communicative Translation Theory not only helps to produce acceptable and idiomatic translation but also provide feasible guidance for informative texts translation.

    A Study on the E-C Consecutive Interpreting in Ocean Security Conference Guided by Compression Theory

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    This conference interpretation is the interpretation of the discussion on the phenomena taking place in the South China Sea. In this paper, the author uses an authentic corpus from transcripts of a conference on ocean security. There are five levels of compression on conference interpreting. They are syllabic compression, lexical compression, syntactic compression, semantic compression and situational compression. In this paper, in syllabic compression, the author aims to compress the syllables of words and phrases. In lexical compression, the author compresses unnecessary expressions of words and phrases. In syntactic compression, the author compresses sentences and phrases syntactically to make the text structure more concise. In semantic compression, the author compresses repeated expressions. In situational compression, the author compresses unnecessary expressions in the speech

    The Study of Zhou Jianxin’s Translated Version of Emily Dickinson’s Poems from the Perspective of Jindi’s Equivalent Theory

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    Emily Dickinson is a well-known poet in American literature, writing nearly 1800 poems during her lifetime. Dickinson’s poems are studied and translated by scholars and translators in China. Zhou Jianxin is an outstanding professor to study Emily Dickinson. The present author uses Jindi’s equivalent theory to analyze Zhou Jianxin’s translated version of Emily Dickinson’s poem, hoping that this paper will provide a new angle to appreciate Chinese version of English poems and give some inspiration to translation theories

    A Tentative Study of William Allingham’s A Dream Under the Guidance of Xu Yuanzhong’s “Three-Beauty Theory”

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    Famous Chinese translator Xu Yuanzhong advocates “three-beauty theory” in translating poems, namely, beauty in sense, sound and form. Based on the Luxun’s opinion, theoretical system of “three beauties” is summarized by Xu Yuanzhong after he translates a large number of poem. In addition to conveying the content of the original poem, it is also necessary for translators to strive to convey the form and rhyme of the original poem. Especially in poetry translation, the effect of “three beauties” is the goal of many poetry lovers. Guided by the theory of “three beauties”, the author tries to make an exploratory translation of William Allingham’s A Dream, keeping in line with the original poetry from three aspects of artistic conception, rhyme and form. And this thesis mainly aims for helping readers further appreciate the original poetry and draw lessons from translating the English poetry under the guidance of the theory of “three beauties”. Furthermore, the author wants to contribute to the cultural exchange between China and the West

    The Cement Garden as an Allegory of Modernity

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     This thesis concentrates on the analysis of Ian McEwan’s controversical work The Cement Garden. By referring to Walter Benjamin’s theory of allegory, especially his illustrations of fragmentation and melancholy, this thesis will analyze the fragmentary images of ruins, death and corpse and the fragmentary time presented in it; meanwhile, it will explore the alienated human relationship, the identity crises and the barren spiritual state of modern people under the melancholic gaze. Through the analysis, the author elucidates that that The Cement Garden is not a “revolting novel ” as some critics claimed, but can be called an allegory of modernity in the modern cultural context.
